Just Got Made • 20 May 2015Ready…set…STAMP!
Just Got Made were invited by Selfridges to hold a ‘Print Your Own Stationery’ workshop as part of their in-store WORK IT campaign.
As our workshop was held within the iconic department store synonymous with all things exclusive and opulent, we developed a workshop focused on exploring the idea of personal branding using luxury craftsmanship. Our location was the Makerversity pop up space in Selfridge’s Ultra Lounge; guests were taught artisan skills such as carving a hand made stamp by master printers ‘Print to the People’, drawing inspiration from esteemed printer Helen Kemp.
Goodie bags were handed out as a parting gift full of extra materials to stamp, as well as bespoke mini-stamps designed & made exclusively by Just Got Made.
Special thanks to ‘Print to the People’ and ‘Bespoke Laser’for all their hard work and enthusiasm.
The thinking behind it:
Our Aim:
Just Got Made aim to provide an interactive experience between client and subject – working to establish or enhance a skill set that will continue to inspire confidence and creativity within the participants well beyond our initial interaction.
The Selfridges ‘Work It’ campaign in association with Makerversity, provided the back drop for the Just Got Made workshop tailored specifically for those keen to explore a new design process to help build their brand identity. This spanned from design of a logo through to hand carving a rubber stamp to be applied to stationary and business cards. This would ultimately lead to participants exploring their brand on a deeper level and questioning what really defines them as both a business and an individual within the market place.
Outcome & Benefits:
The outcome of the workshop was very much in keeping with the overarching theory behind the Selfridges campaign – that times are moving forward rapidly within the workplace and peoples notions of the ‘daily 9-5’ are in many cases no longer valid. By taking control of their brand identity through the use of a hands on experience, peoples own interpretations of Selfridges as a brand as well as their own business would continue to grow and evolve following the event.