Women that Make

Just Got Made • 11 Mar 2019

So, I nearly didn’t post today for International Women’s Day, because we have had an unexpected illness, two businesses and a baby to look after, (the irony is not lost!), but I have so much to say!

For example, today sees the publication of the Rose Review, with this headline stat:

“Up to £250bn of new value could be added to the UK economy if women started and scaled businesses at the same rate as men.”.

This gender gap is due to factors undermining women’s efforts at almost every point – and, from the initial idea through to scaling – UK women are less likely to pursue, persevere, and ultimately succeed at entrepreneurship than UK men. It includes women facing a “motherhood penalty”, where earnings plummet and career trajectories slow after their first baby is born, imposter syndrome, and investor bias. As a result, our economy is missing out on huge untapped potential.

Well, that hit home!

So firstly, I want to encourage every woman creating products to keep doing so and be proud of what you’re accomplishing. I hope that by creating the Just Got Made directory and sharing contacts openly on manufacturers and suppliers, it both helps you, and encourages more women to put their ideas into action, and create the products they want to see in the world.

Be the change.

And secondly, let’s recognise all the women-led businesses and women workers in this male-centric industry, let it be seen that WOMEN MAKE! From manufacturing to materials, products to services, technical to creative, let’s gain equal parity in our industry.

Time for recognition and a better, more collaborative and open way of working please.

Helen – Just Got Made