
Double Negative Dark Room

a darkroom & wet plate studios in East London

A photographic community centred around a member’s darkroom. We have a regular series of darkroom and alt process workshops, including the most popular wet plate course in London.

We also offer analogue fine art print and process services and wet plate portraiture, sessions and commissions.

We believe in education, practice, research and accesibility and we’re happy to bring darkroom or wet plate studios to you, for your event or occasion.

Area of Interest
Art, Photography & Film
Students, Small Businesses, Large Businesses, Commissions, Individuals
Photography Materials
Classes & Workshops, Photography studios, Photography, Photographer - products, Photography - wet plate collodion, Photography Darkroom, Photography - analogue print processing, Photography - alternative processing
Contact details
Tel: +44 (0) 203 6090908
178a Glyn Road
Opening hours
Lab and fine print services, technical services, gallery, photo studio:
Monday - Friday 11.00 - 19.00
Weekend by appointment

Members' darkroom:
Monday - Friday 10.00 - 23.00
Weekend 11.00 - 18.00